
It’s been three years, and you all still have my heart.

Three years ago this month I dedicated myself to TerpSecret — and some things just never change.

This site and I have seen tremendous ups and downs, but I’ve learned more from this project than I ever could have imagined, and a piece of my heart will always belong here.

So many of you have let me into your lives without knowing who I am, and by doing that you’ve all let me see a perspective of the world I’ll never lose sight of. 

I’ve seen hate, anguish, pain and hopelessness like I never thought could exist, but I’ve also the same amount of love, compassion, determination and forgiveness come in many forms — whether it was submitted as a secret, sent to me in an email, or directed at another anonymous figure with whom you felt you could relate; I have seen more emotion from strangers than I ever have from the people I know and see every day. 

And to me, that makes you all part of a distant family that I love dearly. 

I couldn’t have accomplished any of what I’ve accomplished here without you all. I can only hope that I’ve helped some of you through your personal struggles the same way you’ve helped me through mine. 

Thank you all for the love you’ve shown me and the trust you’ve given me. I’ll continue to support you as long as there’s at least one person in this world who needs that support. 



Stay strong, Terps.

University of Maryland community,

The news of a murder-suicide in our home away from home between our own peers really shocked us all this morning; at least, I know it shocked me. Today is the day to come together as a student body to support those affected by this tragedy. Keep the victims and their loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.

President Wallace Loh released a statement this morning, which included the following:

“During times of loss, community and support are essential components for understanding and healing.  I ask that the entire University of Maryland family come together during this time of grief.  On campus, our places of worship and the Counseling Center are open for those who need support and comfort.  Ours is a university of great resolve.  Together, we will emerge from our collective sadness.”

The Help Center opened early today at 12:30 p.m. and will remain open until 2 a.m. Tomorrow, the office will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m.

UMD Help Center Contact: 301-314-4357

Don’t hesitate to seek help and support if you need it — whether it be from the university or simply from your friends and family; and as always, I’m here if you need me.

With the tenacity that this university has, I know we can get through this.

Stay strong, Terps.

Love, Sarah.

Let the games begin!

Hey everyone!

As we’re all gearing up for a new semester, don’t forget to keep spreading the word about TerpSecret! Incoming freshman to graduating seniors–there are a lot of people who still don’t know about the TerpSecret community!

Keep the secrets coming and enjoy the last few days of summer!

❤ Sarah

Um. How cool is this…

So I just discovered the WordPress added the feature where I can see where in the world people are viewing TerpSecret from.

I never expected it to leave Maryland’s campus, let alone the United States!

Here’s some cropped screen shots from my computer. TS has reached 37 countries around the world! This is so awesome!

(Click on it, it’s a gallery. They’ll get bigger.)

Day-maker. Big time.

Hey guys.

So, feedback like this seriously makes my day. I work so hard and put so much time into this, and little things like this make it all worth it:

“I check this site more than I check my facebook. It gives me hope that more people like me are out there. Thank you Terpsecret, I don’t feel alone anymore.”

No, I’m not cuing you to e-mail me right now, but I just wanted to thank whoever it was who sent me this since I didn’t get an e-mail with the comment. It made me smile; it almost made me cry. I can’t thank you enough for sending me your kind words.

And this is a bravo to everyone who has ever contributed to TS as well. We are ALL making a difference to the community, as a community; as a family.

I love you all to death. Thank you SO much for all of the love and support!!!

More kind words! :)

Someone sent me this! How nice! 🙂

“I love you all.
Just thought you should know. You’re not alone.

When I was in high school I had very severe depression and considered suicide every day for years. I was lonely, ugly, hated my parents and my friends. Finally, I grew up – mentally. I had an attitude adjustment and decided I was responsible for how my life would flow. I became a bit more social and met some people more like me. I enjoy things more and do what I want. The turn-around was in choosing to stop sulking around in sorrow, and view things from another perspective.

I’m not saying you all should try this and feel better by next week, but I’m saying don’t give up. I can promise you, that things do get better over time. If you are patient and open-minded you can find piece. Looking back it’s hard to believe I ever considered hurting myself. If I had it would have been devastating to my family and friends – possibly ruining parts of their lives – and I would never have gotten to where I am now.

I’m so happy these days. It took years but I’m where I want to be and with who I want to be. You can be too. Just hold on. I know where you’ve been, and it kills me to know that some people let themselves go. I honestly care about each and every one of you, just as there were people who cared about me when I needed it most, and I didn’t even realize it. I wish you all the best in your long-lasting, fulfilling lives. I send you all my love, and all my hugs.”

Iiiiit’s poll time!

Hey guys!

I’ve been thinking about making a change or two on the site, but I wanted some feedback before I went switching things around on you. Now that I know how to put polls in these posts, I’m going to use them to my advantage. So, here we go.

Poll #1:

Poll #2

If you have any other comments or suggestions, feel free to send them to me through the secret box, or e-mail me at Terpsecret@gmail.com.

Thanks! Your feedback is much appreciated!

Encouraging words from a stranger

Someone just sent me this:

“One day you’re going to wake up and realize that you have the freedom to make your own rules. That this is your LIFE and you are wasting it because you’re afraid of what others think. This is YOUR world, and as long as you were born on this planet you belong here. Stop waiting for permission and just do what YOU want because you’re the one who’s going to have to look back at your life at 99 years old and wonder what on earth you were so scared of.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Thanks for this! ❤

Looky at what I made!

I’m just being a child right now, to be honest.

I’m obsessed with the “Keep Calm and…” generator. So I made this!


Wee I hope you guys enjoy it.

That is all.

Oh wait, no it isn’t. If you live in Ellicott Hall, I will be speaking in your dorm tonight thanks to RA Eric Feldman! Hope to see you there!

That’s what I like to hear

Someone just sent me this, and I figured there would be a greater chance of the right person seeing this if I gave it it’s own post.

“To the person who posted about having trichotillomania- thank you. I thought I was alone. The only person with my problem. It’s a relief to know I’m not the only one constantly trying to cope with it.”

I love hearing that this is helping people cope with problems. I know from experience that knowing that you aren’t alone can make a world of difference when you are trying to handle personal problems such as the ones the come up on this site.

This has been an amazing month for the site, guys. Thank you so much!

Love you!


CP Cuddler Secret: To report, to not to report? POLL

So, the CP Cuddler secret I just received is stirring up a lot of attention already.

(The Diamondback’s blog has already caught wind of it.)

If you didn’t see the secret, it said, “I’m the College Park cuddler. Some may not understand why I like to get in bed with girls, but I think it’s the sexiest thing ever. To be in a bed with a girl who has no idea I’m there turns me on more than anything. I will strike again.”

**NOTE: If you sent me this secret or know who did, I suggest coming forward right now; particularly if you weren’t serious. It will save you, me, and everyone else A LOT of trouble in the long-run. 

I have a tough call to make as far as whether or not I need to report it to officials. Some are saying that I need to report it, while others are saying that it’s probably just a joke. Either way, should this person be reprimanded?


There was no valid name or e-mail address attached, and I don’t know that they would be able to do anything about it as far as figuring out who it was. And beyond that, would they be able to prove anything just from the post? Would the UMCP police even do anything about it?

From a “secret keeper” perspective, I feel as though I need to keep this under wraps. I want to keep my promise of not releasing names of secret-senders to the public.

From a journalistic perspective, I feel as though I need to get the word out there. I can’t help it, I think like a journalist. I always have, and I always will.

From a moral perspective, I feel as though I need to respect the safety of the students and the public interest. If you all really feel threatened by this, I might need to make the moral decision to protect everyone.

From a student’s perspective, I feel as though this is likely a joke, and this will cause me a lot of hassle, possibly for no reason. I know both how stupid students can be and how difficult dealing with the police can be.

I, of course, have the final say, but just out of curiosity, I want to hear what you think as UMD students.

Do you feel threatened? Is it worth the trouble? Could we actually catch the CP Cuddler?

Vote now and tell me what you think!

Kind words from a stranger

Hey guys,

Someone sent me this in as a secret. It’s not a secret though, and I wanted to make sure everyone saw it. Kind words like these can make a world of difference, even if they come from someone you don’t even know:

“My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who is going through a rough spot. You are not alone I wish I could meet some of you on campus, give you a hug, and tell you what a wonderful beautiful person you are.”

Thank you so much for sending this in. God bless you.

I couldn’t agree more. I love you all and I always have each of you on my mind. I’m always hoping that those of you who send me such sad secrets are doing all right. I always pray for you. I hope this has made a difference to some of you, that’s all I want to do. I want to know you are all doing well. Some of the secrets I receive are absolutely heart-wrenching, and it kills me when I don’t have a way of contacting you directly. For any of you who need someone to speak to about your issues, I am more than willing to be that person. PLEASE do not hesitate to talk to me.



Totally unrelated. (Super Bowl business.)

This has nothing to do with anything, just to warn you.

But, I am a Giants fan, and I am therefore THE HAPPIEST PERSON ALIVE RIGHT NOW. (Aside from other Giants fans… and the players of course. But whatever. Details.)

Last night was the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. I was legitimately crying. …what a loser. But for real, it would take A LOT to kill my mood today.

I just wanted to share my happiness with you all. I’m the happiest of campers, and hopefully some of you are as well.

If you’re a Patriots fan… Well… That’s unfortunate. As a Giants fan I want to be obscene about this, but as the owner of this site I feel as though I should keep that to myself. So, good game. Better luck next time.

All right, I’m done. Have a nice day.

Sharing is Caring

Hey everyone. I know we’ve all been stressed out with finals coming up and all that, but hopefully once all that is over everyone will get some time to share some secrets with me.

In the meantime, I found something to share with you.

I am pretty much obsessed with Ke$ha, and I found this video (because I was stalking her on YouTube), and I want to share it with you.

It isn’t a catchy song or full of glitter and all that nonsense; rather for once she put out a message about abuse.

It has a a great message, and I’m so glad she did this. I knew there was a real person behind the glitter and make up.